Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Continued Studies -05/24/2006 (continued)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006

05/24/2006 (continued)

Within this tension as a large consistency, I see perhaps potentials yet explored beyond the exploitation of that "warped" sense in the "quick" schemes and advertising.

It is consistent enough that a person could consider it a "social energy" dynamic even. Especially if it could be developed beyond being fodder for something else in that "immediate" sense.

In other writings I toyed with an idea of utilizing the instant that lightening manifested as a perpetual power source of energy. Though it is that the consistent dynamic within that tension is largely still unrecognized, it is a possibility that such could serve the place of the :lightening" in that "suspended state," in a social "movement" sense - again beyond the late night info-mercial and advertisers target.

I suppose I am suggesting to "hone" the sporadic element of it within its consistency, and then sustain it somehow for various, more in depth usage - even beyond the topical though rather successful area of "rock-n-roll" for instance.

In fact, a person might look objectively at something such as "rock-n-roll" in that social sense, to perhaps find greater potentials within that area of tension to be implemented in other ways in no way relating to the phenomenon of "rock-n-roll." And especially with nothing to do with the confined, rudimentary and limited aspects of it in regard to such a task.

I must say that it (rock-n-roll) is a rather interesting example of usage pertaining to that instant gratification in many respects - providing very near :instant ability" in producing it and instant access in experiencing it - especially for those who's personal perception is very much contained within the tunnel vision of it and the other forms of media.

Within that "success" is evidence of more efficient and refined potential and use of that "area" of "energy." What is even more interesting about this, is that such energy won't be depleted - "rock-n-roll" would have no less of it with other use being employed.

Please realize that I am not talking about a "target market" or that "precious" market share that is so important to most of the self important people involved with "rock-n-roll" as well as other forms of entertainment.

What it is that I am referencing here, is the consistent area of social "energy" within that dynamic. Barring a world changing catastrophe or development, that consistent area will continue.

why then not further utilize it?

in essence it is an entirely separate perspective of reality. An existential dynamic of itself so to speak, which transpires directly as result of that ongoing process of technological "advance" amplifying that "instant gratification" as it has been warped to become.

As it is used presently, it is usually approached with a large "goal" in mind which is usually of want to accomplish immediately.

How difficult would it be to simply re-assess that "large block" dynamic in instituting smaller "successes" in the common "linear" fashion, as opposed to the proposed and most common "vertical" want of its design in "ascension?"

A form of "carrot on a stick" and "pull my finger" combined so to speak. Reasurance of that instant gratification in the form of smaller "immediate" gratifications as opposed to that ever present want of the "big score," within that warped perception of potential outcomes.

Again, this not just being contained within the example of "rock-n-roll," but as much a tool to be used in social structuring.


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